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2024-03-27 23:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



An early look at our Patch Notes are available on our forums. Unfortunately, the notes are too large to fit onto steam in this format, an official patch notes post will accompany the release next week.



I will also take this opportunity to point out that as is normal for large updates, saved games from earlier versions will not be compatible with No Step Back. An opt-in rollback to the current live version will be provided when No Step Back and the Barbarossa update launch




# Feature - No Step Back



- Added focus tree and national content for Soviet Union

- Added focus tree and national content for Lithuania

- Added focus tree and national content for Estonia

- Added focus tree and national content for Latvia

- Added focus tree and national content for Poland

- Added Tank designer system, featuring 60+ unique modules and myriad combinations & roles

- Added Logistics Strike air mission, targeting trains and supply infrastructure

- Added bespoke train and armored train models for ENG, USA, SOV, GER, ITA, JAP and FRA

- Added Railway Artillery units, which can be attached to armies to provide a unique support role and aid in breaking through fortified positions.

- Added generic Railway Artillery model

- Added unique Railway Artillery models for USA, SOV, FRA, JAP, GER and ENG

- Added 60+ Military Spirits to Officer Corps, allowing you to specialize various departmental branches with new effects and art.

- Added Scorched Earth state interaction, allowing you to disable supply infrastructure in the face of oncoming advances

- Added unique unit models and VO Implementation for EST, LAT and LIT

- Added Preferred Tactic system, allowing you to select a national, field marshal, and general-level tactic that will influence the fighting style of your troops.

- Added system for promoting field commanders into military advisors, allowing you to specialize and grow your advisory cadre

- 为苏联添加国策树和国家内容

- 为立陶宛添加国策树和国家内容

- 为爱沙尼亚添加国策树和国家内容

- 为拉脱维亚添加国策树和国家内容

- 为波兰添加国策树和国家内容

- 添加了坦克设计师系统,具有 60 多个独特的模块和无数的组合和角色

- 增加了空中后勤打击任务,以火车和基础设施为目标

- 为英美苏德日意法添加了定制火车和装甲火车模型

- 增加了铁道炮部队,可以附加到军队中以提供独特的支持作用并帮助突破防御工事。

- 添加了通用铁路火炮模型

- 为美苏法日德英添加了独特的铁路火炮模型

- 为军官团添加了 60 多种军事精神,让您可以专精各个部门,并具有新的效果和艺术。

- 添加了焦土状态交互,允许您在即将到来的进步面前禁用供应基础设施

- 为 波罗的海三国添加了独特的兵种模型和语音实现

- 增加了首选战术系统,允许您选择将影响您部队战斗风格的国家级、元帅级和将军级战术。

- 增加了将战地指挥官提升为军事顾问的系统,让您可以专业化和晋升您的顾问干部




# Feature - Free



- Infrastructure and other support buildings can now be constructed in your allies' territory.

- Historical Focuses OFF setting will now cause countries to pick a weighted path from their available paths, instead of choosing focuses essentially at random (this can have a significant effect on ahistorical games, and should result in less apparent poor-planning from the AI).

- Reworked and added to historical focus tree and national content for Poland

- Reworked and added to historical focus tree and national content for the Soviet Union

- Reworked and added to Trotsky focus tree path for the Soviet Union

- A visual cue is now displayed when units die due to encirclement

- Totally overhauled supply and logistics system

- Added Supply Hub building, which distribute supplies to nearby units

- Added Railway building, allowing you to link supply hubs and ports

- Added basic train model and train research

- Added Officer Corps country view, containing information on your military details and advisors

- Totally overhauled experience generation, with most early-game branch experience now coming from advisors

- Doctrines now found in the Officer Corps view, and cost experience to unlock, instead of being researched

- Added rail and supply hub area defense order setting, which prioritizes supply hubs

- (Modding/Feature) Added new character system, tying together numerous different systems behind-the-scenes. Advisors, generals, admirals, country leaders, and more, can now be a property of a character.

- 基础设施和其他支援建筑现在可以在你的盟友的领土上建造。


- 历史焦点关闭设置现在会导致国家从其可用路径中选择一条加权路径,而不是基本上随机选择焦点(这会对非历史游戏产生重大影响,并且应该会导致 AI 不太明显的糟糕计划) .

- 重做的波兰历史国策树和国家的内容

- 重做的苏联历史国策树和国家的内容

- 重做的苏联托洛茨基国策树

- 当单位因包围而死亡时,现在会显示视觉提示

- 彻底改革补给和后勤系统

- 增加了补给中心建筑,可将补给品分发给附近的单位

- 增加了铁路建筑,可以连接补给枢纽和港口

- 增加了基本列车模型和列车升级科技

- 添加了军官团的新视图菜单,包含有关您的军事详细信息和顾问的信息


- 彻底改革了经验生成,大多数早期游戏的经验现在会来自顾问


- 现在可以在军官团视图中找到军事学说,解锁需要花费经验,而不是被研究


- 增加了铁路和补给中心区域防御顺序设置,优先考虑补给中心




# Balance



- It is no longer possible to swap templates on divisions that are encircled

- Weather modifiers can now handle defense/breakthrough separately for attackers and defenders

- Infrastructure now reduce chance of mud happening

- Snow now affects dig in speed (positively) and speed of attackers negatively

- Blizzards now slow attacker movement

- Higher Reliability now gives back lost equipment at the end of combat

- reduced over width penalty from 2 per percent to 1.5

- 1940 carrier fighter no longer magically cheaper in aluminium than earlier model

- adjusted a number of country leader and advisor traits to give bonuses to railway construction where appropriate

- Advisor and commander bonuses to specific unit types are now applied based on the composition of a division rather than the most prominent battalion. Meaning that a division can get 30% Infantry _and_ 70% Artillery bonuses.

- Experience gain from lend leased equipment reduced significantly.

- Field experience gain reduced by 25%, max reduced to 1.2 daily, and expeditionary FE gain reduced by 25%

- Grand Battleplan doctrines now have several new command power modifiers.

- Estimated Plan Value for divisions in place now scales according to how many divisions are missing. This mostly affects how willing the AI is to execute plans.

- Added game rule options to prevent fabricating wargoals until '38, '39, or '40

- Coordination added, increasing alpha strike damage in comabts against multiple divs

- Communist Infiltration decisions for PRC now reduced in duration. Being in a faction with China when they are not the faction leader, will no longer cause the communist uprising to fail.

- Promoting field marshals now costs 40 Command Power, field marshals in charge of army groups now gain 30% of child experience from 25%, assigning traits to commanders now costs 15 Command Power from 10

- Combat width can vary by terrain type

- gave forest provinces new width of 84 and reinforce width of 42

- gave jungle provinces new width of 84 and reinforce width of 42

- gave marsh provinces new width of 78 and reinforce width of 26

- gave urban provinces new width of 96 and reinforce width of 32

- gave mountain provinces new width of 75 and reinforce width of 25

- gave desert provinces new width of 90 and reinforce width of 45

- gave plains provinces new width of 90 and reinforce width of 45

- reduced truck requirement for motorized infantry and mechanized batalions

- reduced supply usage of infantry and motorized batalions

- increase supply usage of SPG and artillery batalions

- slight increase to supply usage of Tank batalions

- added breakthrough of 10 to motorized equipment

- increased breakthrough of mechanized equipment for all variants

- increased base tech cost from 85 to 100

- reduced the cost of interservice rivalry decisions from 50pp to 30pp

- japan AI now prevented from taking most interservice rivalry decisions before 1939

- increased likelyhood that japan will take "Steel for Guns" Interservice rivalry decisions

- rebalanced combat stats from low supply. defender now gets a heavier attack malus

- increased combat penalties from low supply

- USA now have small sources of Chromium

- AA Tanks no longer get +50% Soft Attack

- Reliability on battalions with multipole equipment needs is now properly averaged

- Reliability now affects org regain on divisions

- Low reliability now increases org effects of weather

- Turkey should now attempt to befriend the USSR, allowing it to take two more focuses before joining the allies

- Mil factory production output increased by roughly 5% to account for new supply requirements (trains, trucks et al)

- Chinese starting combat penalties from national spirits reduced slightly

- Supply Grace reworked to act as a general easement value rather than a flat number of free hours (this is, generally speaking, a 'nerf' to supply grace)

- The way in which divisions target other divisions in combat has been significantly altered. Targeting will now be primarily based upon potential damage dealt vs combat frontage.

- New stat 'Coordination' added, which affects primary damage split in combats with multiple division targets.

- State population (manpower) now acts as a base supply factor in state supply.

- Gave Rudolf Hess a nice new trait

- Equipment types with low numbers will no longer be impossible to lose if low damage is taken on a division. (ths is now chance-based, rather than a flat rounding)

- Preparing Bulgarian Occupation in Macedonia will make Yugoslavia more inclined to surrender Macedonia, except when following the historical or fascist plans which are scripted to do otherwise.

- Reduced xp gain from lend lease

- Base Command power gain is now flat, rather than % of max, with military attache reduced to 15% of xp from 20%

- Free Repair no longer granted from national or repeatable focuses

- Increased hardness values for AT guns and mot/mech

- Increased Tank Destroyer combat width to 3

- all AT gun piercing increased slightly

- SPAA combat width is now 2

- Military Advisors now have a scaled PP cost based on whether they are specialist, expert, or genius

- Military Advisors now have an inversely scaled Command Power reservation based on whether they are specialist, expert, or genius

- All Military Advisors now grant a scaled daily branch experience gain based on whether they are specialist, expert, or genius


- 不再能在被包围的地区上交换部队模板


- 天气修正现在可以分别影响攻击者和防御者的防御和突破

- 基础设施现在减少了泥浆发生的机会

- 雪现在会造成挖掘速度(正面)和攻击者速度的负面影响

- 暴风雪现在会减慢攻击者的移动速度

- 更高的可靠性现在可以在战斗结束时返还丢失的装备

- 超宽惩罚从 2% 减少到 1.5%

- 1940 年的航母战斗机的铝材不再比早期型号便宜

- 调整了一些国家领导人和顾问的特性,以在适当的情况下为铁路建设提供加成

- 顾问和指挥官对特定单位类型的奖励现在根据师的组成而不是最突出的营来应用。这意味着一个师可以获得 30% 的步兵和 70% 的炮兵加成。




- 来自战场的经验会减少 25%,最大减少到每天 1.2,远征军也减少 25%


- 大决战学说现在有几个新的修正。

- 现有分区的估计计划价值现在根据缺少的分区数量进行缩放。这主要影响人工智能执行计划的意愿。

- 添加了游戏规则选项以防止在 38、39 或 40 年前制造战争目标

- 添加了协同作战,提升了针对多个 师的 alpha打击伤害

- 中共渗透决议的持续时间现在缩短了。在他们不是阵营领袖的情况下与中华民国结成阵营,将不再导致共产主义起义失败。

- 晋升陆军元帅现在花费 40 指挥能力,负责陆军集团的陆军元帅现在从 25% 变为获得 30% 的下属经验,为指挥官分配特征现在需要 15 指挥能力而不是 10


- 战斗宽度因地形类型而异

- 给森林省份新的宽度 84 和加强宽度 42

- 给予丛林省份 84 的新宽度和 42 的强化宽度

- 给沼泽省份新的宽度 78 和加强宽度 26

- 给城市省份新的宽度 96 和加强宽度 32

- 给予山区省份 75 的新宽度并加强 25 的宽度

- 给予沙漠省份 90 的新宽度和 45 的加固宽度

- 给予平原省份 90 的新宽度和 45 的加固宽度


- 减少机动步兵和机械化营的卡车需求


- 减少步兵和摩托化营的补给使用

- 增加 SPG 和炮兵营的补给使用

- 略微增加坦克营的补给使用

- 为机动化装备增加了 10 的突破

- 所有变种的机械化装备的突破性增加

- 基础技术成本从 85 增加到 100

- 将军种间的竞争决策的成本从 50pp 降低到 30pp (pp就是政治点)

- 日本的AI现在无法在 1939 年之前做出大多数跨军种的竞争决策

- 日本的AI 执行“钢铁换枪”决议的可能性增加


- 重新平衡了补给不足的战斗统计数据。防守方现在获得一个严重的攻击减成

- 对于补给不足而增加了战斗惩罚

- 美国现在有少量铬矿

- 防空坦克不再获得 + 50% 软攻击


- 具有多种设备需求的营的可靠性现在已正确平均

- 可靠性现在会影响部队的组织度恢复

- 低可靠性现在会增加天气对组织度的影响

- 土耳其现在应该尝试与苏联成为朋友,允许它在加入同盟国之前再进行两次国策

- 军用工厂产量增加了大约 5%,以满足新的供应需求(火车、卡车等)

- 中华民国开始的国家精神中战斗惩罚略有减少

- 补给窗口期被重做为一个缓慢减少的数值而不是固定的空闲时间(一般来说,这是对于补给窗口期的 “削弱” )


- 师在战斗中攻击其他师的方式有了显著的改变。目标选择现在将主要基于正面战斗所可能造成的伤害。

- 添加了新的“协同作战”统计数据,它会影响与多个师目标的战斗中的主要伤害分配。

- 国家人口(人力)现在作为国家补给的一个基本因素。

- 给予了鲁道夫赫斯一个不错的新特性

- 如果对一个师造成低伤害,那么数量少的装备类型将不再可能不丢失。(这现在是随机的,而不是平均的四舍五入)


- 减少租借的经验收益

- 基础指挥点数增加现在是平均的,而不是最大值的百分比,军观察团的点数从 20% 减少到 15%

- 特殊国家国策和通用国策不再提供免费维修这项国策

- 增加了反坦克装甲车和摩托化装甲的硬度值

- 将坦克歼击车的战斗宽度增加到 3

- 所有AT炮的穿甲都略有增加

- SPAA 战斗宽度现在为 2


- 军事顾问现在有一个基于他们是精通、专家还是天才的按比例递增的政治点消耗

- 军事顾问现在根据他们是精通、专家还是天才拥有相反比例的指挥点数保留

- 所有军事顾问现在根据他们是精通、专家还是天才递增按比例产出的每日相应兵种经验


- 已修订熊可能已经修订一个已修订的修订【没看懂,欢迎给我科普,可能只是P社的文本问题】



# Stability & Performance



- random CTD fix in volunteer GUI

- improved performance of national focus gui when there are focuses with many prerequisites or expensive allowed triggers

- refactored scripted ai_strategies to be less performance-intensive

- optimized triggers for Spanish "Ignite Anarchist Uprising" decision

- Fixed CTD when going to menu after console cmd reloadtechnologies

- Fixed CTD caused by the transfer of ships currently being refitted from one country to another, e.g. at the start of a civil war. Refitting is now always cancelled when ownership is transferred.

- Fixed an Out-of-Sync error when a country capitulates with collaboration then the player goes back to menu and joins a fresh new game

- Fixed a CTD when a decision expires with the decision UI opened and frame smoothing is enabled

- Fixed CTD resulting from a refitting ship being transferred to the revolter at the start of a civil war.

- Fixed a convoy-related OOS that could happen when not playing from a fresh application start.

- 修复志愿军用户图形界面中的随机游戏崩溃

- 当有许多先决条件或昂贵的允许触发器的国策时,提高了国家国策用户图形界面的性能

- 重构脚本化的 AI战略以降低性能密集度

- 优化西班牙 “点燃无政府主义起义” 决策的触发

- 修复了控制台 cmd 重新加载科技后进入菜单时的游戏崩溃

- 修复了当前正在改装的船只从一个国家转移到另一个国家引起的游戏崩溃,例如在内战开始时。 当所有权转移时,改装现在总是被取消。

- 修复了当一个国家因共同投降然后玩家返回菜单并加入新游戏时出现的不同步错误

- 修复了在打开决策 UI 并启用帧平滑的情况下决策到期时的游戏崩溃

- 修正了在内战开始时将改装船转移到反叛者而导致的游戏崩溃。

- 修复了与运输船队相关的 OOS,当不从新的应用开始游戏时可能会发生这种情况。



# UI



- Added mp chat timer to prevent spamming

- Added feedback for naval combat when one side consisted of only convoys

- When changing a subunit and hovering over a new one in division designer, have a diff appear comparing to the current subunit

- In Lend lease, convoys are now only in the convoy category. Also now you can only include it once, then the option disappears from list of available equipment.

- When declaring war on a country with subjects, if a wargoal is actually against a subject, add the flag of the subject next to the wargoal name. Add the actual target name in the Puppet (Focus) tooltip. Add a scrollbar to the wargoal list window.

- Improved tooltip text when constructing refineries

- Advisors that are not available now more distinctly marked in politics view

- Combat log now tracks and shows recovered equipment

- improved combat tooltips for width impact from terrain

- Construction bonus from infra now colorized to make it easier to spot good areas

- Fuel tooltip now show fuel sent and received through lend-lease agreements as well as fuel gained or consumed by the fuel_cost country modifier.

- Added column headers and sort-by-column support to the divisions list displayed when selecting an army, army group or unassigned divisions.

- Added support for selecting divisions of the same template in list grouping divisions by template displayed on the army badge.

- Added two meters to the army badge which displays the mean and median organization and fighting strength of the divisions in the army or army group.

- Added support for decommissioning division templates from the Recruit & Deploy view.

- Division templates can now be reordered from the Recruit & Deploy view using drag-and-drop.

- Setting reinforcement limit to zero will now disband the air wing

- When AI is calling allies into wars the same tick we only create a single popup rather than a lot of spam

- Commander select window now shows which army you are selecting for

- Division designer will now take the stats for the highest researched equipment that is allowed and has valid modules

- Ground combat attack value is now shown with modifiers accounted for in the air wing details view

- Construction widget will now show flag on foreign states in construction view

- Made the carrier efficiency tooltip more compact by gathering the common efficiency modifers at the top

- Added a category for Scout planes in air overview, where they were previously counted as Heavy Fighters

- Supply information is now displayed in the Intel Ledger

- repositioned reinforcement gui a bit to line up better

- 添加了 mp 聊天计时器以防止垃圾信息

- 增加了当一方只有运输船时海战的反馈

- 在设计编制中更改下属单位并将鼠标悬停在新的下属单位上时,与当前下属单位相比会展现不同

- 在租借中,运输队现在只属于运输队类别。此外,现在您只能选择一次,然后该选项将从可用装备列表中消失。


- 向有附庸的国家宣战时,如果战争目标实际上是针对附庸的,则在战争目标名称旁边添加附庸的旗帜。在以傀儡为战争接口的工具提示中添加实际目标名称。向战争目标列表窗口添加滚动条。

- 在建造精炼厂时改进了提示文本

- 不可用的顾问现在在政治界面中更清晰地标记

- 战斗日志现在跟踪并显示回收的设备

- 改进了地形宽度影响的战斗工具提示

- 来自基建的建设加成现在已上色,以便更容易发现更适合升级的区域

- 燃油工具提示现在会显示获得/消耗的燃料以及通过租借协议发送和接收的燃料并包括燃料的国家修正。

- 在选择军团、集团军或未分配的师时显示的师列表添加了列标题和按列排序的功能。

- 增加了在军队列表中在按模板分组的不同师中选择相同模板师的功能。

- 在军团的徽章图标上增加了两米,以显示军团或集团军中各师的平均和中位数组织度和战斗力。

- 从招募和部署视图中添加了对退役模板的支持。

- 现在可以使用拖放从招募和部署视图中重新排序师编制模板。

- 将增援限制设置为零现在将解散空军队

- 当 AI 将盟友召集到战争中时,只会触发一个弹出窗口而不是大量垃圾弹窗

- 指挥官选择窗口现在会显示你选择的军队

- 师编制现在将会显示可以列装的最先进装备和可使用模块的统计数据

- 地面战斗攻击值现在会在空军视图中显示修正

- 建筑设施现在将在建筑界面中显示他国国旗【为了区别在他国造的设施/建筑】

- 通过在顶部收集常见的效率修正,使航母效率的说明更紧凑

- 在空军界面中为侦察机添加了一个类别,它们以前被视为重型战斗机

- 供应信息现在显示在英特尔分类帐中

- 重新定位增援图标以更好地排列



# AI



- when AI is refitting a ship, make sure it does not choose an obsolete model as target.

- soviet strategy to keep volunteers out unless china is losing should now has enough score to work (and is only active vs other ai)

- whats considered latest equipment now takes tech level into account, not just upgrade amounts

- Turkey should now join the allies in late 1943 or early 1944

- The AI tries to call multiple AI allies at the same time when getting called into a war.

- British Ai should now emphasize radar more in escorts to help against subs

- British AI should now correctly identify Town class cruisers as cruisers

- Tweaks to a Finnish AI strategy to make them start the Continuation War.

- Yugoslavia coup will now tend to happen 70 days earlier.

- AI to assign field marshals improved

- The AI now decommission any templates that are neither considered as the best template for their role or that any other template will upgrade to.

- AI countries will no longer create collaboration governments when they have cores on the same states as the collaboration government - mainly to stop Italy from creating a Croatian Collaboration government when they shouldn't

- 当 AI 改装一艘船时,将确保它不会选择过时的模型作为目标。

- 除非中国溃败,否则苏联将拒绝派遣志愿军的策略现在有足够的分数来执行(并且只对其他 AI 有效)

- 最新设备现在考虑技术水平,而不仅仅是堆数量

- 土耳其现在会在 1943 年末或 1944 年初加入同盟国

- 被召唤进入战争时,AI 会尝试同时呼叫多个 AI 盟友。

- 英国AI现在会在护航舰队中更重视雷达以帮助对抗潜艇

- 英国AI现在会正确地将南安普顿级巡洋舰识别为巡洋舰

- 调整芬兰的AI战略,让他们加入 “继续战争”。

- 南斯拉夫政变现在往往会提前 70 天发生。

- AI改进了分配军队统帅的方式

- AI现在会停用任何既不被视为其国家的最佳模板或任何其他模板升级前的旧模板。【应该是指AI会删旧编制】

- 当它们与合作政府的核心是同一地方时,AI 国家将不再创建新的合作政府—主要是为了阻止意大利创建克罗地亚合作政府。






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